Like the station at Albion, the crossing guard shanty, and the engine house at Albion, this covered bridge was built following plans in Kalmbach Books' Building Bridges & Buildings for Model Railroads (1965) — these by M. B. Wakefield. I used Campbell Scale Models shingles and basswood bought from Joe Glanville at J&M Hobbies to build the model.
The model left my hands many years ago: when I learned about a club layout in West Warwick, Rhode Island, I joined the group, which was creating a fine layout that occupied the entire bottom floor of someone's home. I contributed this bridge and did some work on the layout, which never got beyond the track laying stage. It turned out that the head of the club did not own the house but rented it, and when he moved he took all the items members had contributed. Losing this bridge was not a tragedy for me, but anoter modeller lost a magnificent scratchbuilt dock for a logging operation. This is the only picture I can find of the model, which is too bad because it had a really interesting openings at either end. [GPL].