The Cyborg in Cinema and Anime
Members of English 111, Cyberspace, VR, and Critical Theory, Brown University, Spring 1998
- Zachariah Boyle, Cyborg Creation
- Jesse Chan-Norris,
- Joshua Conterio, MORE HUMAN THAN...
- Sharif Corinaldi, Intelligence, Power Dyamics, and Development
- Sharif Corinaldi, Martyrdom and Future of Humanity
- Steve Cook, Tainted Love: Commentary on Blade Runner & Anime
- Keith Feldman, Man, Android, and Machine [removed at author's request]
- Jacob George, Why do Humans dream of Androids dreaming?
- Brian D. Hardy, A True Story
- Wayne Huang, What is "God" in Binary Form?
- Matthew Hutson, Ghost in the Black Box
- Ian Jones, Policing Memory and Identity
- Laura Lee, Techno Dystopias in Film
- Kelly Maudslien, The immune system and Blade Runner
- Caleb Neelon, Problem of Presentation
- Daniel Parke, Dire Need for Definition
- William Peña, What are we looking for? What are we worried about?
- Michael Pellauer, Help, My Information's Being Co-Opted by Max Headroom!
- Matt Pillsbury, The Corporate and the Posthuman
- Elizabeth Rodwell, Deckard: "Sushi. That's what my ex-wife called me. Cold fish."
- Vivian Rosenthal, Realizing Theory
- Glen Sanford, On Perfect Copies and Anime Cityscapes
- Lora Schwartz, Cyborg and Human
- Dan Stein, Imaginary Lines
- Izel Sulam, Izzie's Temporary Essay (or How My Computer Died)
- Francesca Wodtke, Flesh Machines and Memories
- Ruiyan Xu, The Nature of Humanity: Commentary on BladeRunner