Hypertext Themes: An Overview
Kathy Nguyen Dang's
Navigation in Hypertext
The Changed Nature of Authorship
Lars Hubrich,
In Search of the Author, or Standing up Godot
Heather Rosen,
Hypertextual Twelfth Night
The Fate of Fiction
Mark Amerika,
Hypertextual Consciousness
Michael Di Bianco,
Is the Novel Dead Yet?
The Fate of Genre
Leni Zumas, (with G. P. Landow),
VideoGames and Hypertext
Laura Fillmore,
Internet Publishing: How We Must Think
Laura Fillmore,
Internet Publishing in a Borderless Environment: Bookworms Into Butterflies
Laura Fillmore,
Online Publishing: Threat or Menace?
Foresight Institute,
Hypertext Publishing and the Theory Evolution of Knowledge
Intellectual Property Myths
Alternative Education
Nicholas Constantine Burbules and Thomas A. Callister, Jr.,
Alternative Futures of Hypertext Learning Environments
Charles Deemer,
How the Internet is Changing Teaching and Scholarship in the Humanities
Pedagogical Concerns
Michael Joyce,
Hypertext, Pedagogy and Poetics