Knowledge Constructivism from
Hypertext Research (2)
Configurable Units of Data, Not Just Complete Documents Current KM systems work with complete documents, but one needs atomic data units that can be interrelated. Knowledge Management System (KMS) is developed at Carnergie Mellon University. KMS is a distributed system, allowing the creation of decentralised hypertext networks. The semantic unit in KMS is the frame, a holder of text of graphical data that can be linked to other frames in a hierarchical, anoted way to build large scale referential relationship (Acksyn et al., 1988). KMS was designed to incorporate hyperlinking in a data-rich environment for collaborative work, electronic publishing and project management and could not achieve this if all content were indivisible below the document level. Documents are collections of thoughts and knowledge, elements of which must be hypermanipulated for knowledge creating purposes. Intelligence in configuration of semantic component is necessary. Non-existent in commercial KM document-centric systems, are semantic network control features like those of a system like Textnet (Trigg & Weiser, 1986). This is an example of a system with intelligence in correlating documents and fragments, but whose processing doesnt leave the user without a need to add value by applying associative labor. Fransicso J.Ricardo, "Hypertext and Knowledge Management", ACM 2001 Acksyn, R. M., McCracken, D.L., & Yoder, E., A. (July, 1998). KMS : A Distributed Hypermedia System for Managing Knowledge in Organizations, Communications of the ACM. Trigg, R. & Weiser, M. (January 1986) TEXTNET: A Network Based Approach to Text Handling, ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems.
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