Knowledge Constructivism from
Hypertext Research (1)
Integration for Organizational Process The system time the content creation to a multi-state maintenance of the organisation in which it exists at the same time as it helps knowledge working interact to that organisations processes. The first work relating hypertext to knowledge in an organisational context (Engelbart, 1963) was the NLS/AUGMENT system, build by a development team in the Augmentation Research Centre (ARC) at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the early 1960s. The goals of the NLS/AUGMENT system were "to significantly boost individuals, groups and organisations performance (somewhat in that order) by augmenting their ability to work with knowledge." (Stone, 1991) The effective institutional knowledge focus of NLS/AIGMENT lead to its deployment in 47 government agencies and military commands and 21 commercial venues. The system eventually developed a notion of roles of as organisational targets, independent of specific individual, who would dispatch appropriate responsibilities in agencies; signatures as encrypted distributed authority elements; and a system of dispositioncode through which the retention value of documents could be reviewed.
Fransicso J.Ricardo, "Hypertext and Knowledge Management", ACM 2001 Engelbard, D.C. (1963). " A Conceptual Framework for the Augmentation of Mans Intellect." In Vistas in Information Handling. P.D. Howerton and D.C. Weeks (eds.). Washington, D.C.: Spartan Books Stone, D.L., (1991, May) AUGMENTSs Support of Organizations: A Brief History, Online document available at
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