Infotech -- The History, Implications, and Contexts of Computing, Printing, and Other Information Technologies
Media Theory
The Culture of Orality
Writing and Manuscript Culture
Print Culture
Telegraphy and the Telephone
Television and Video
Digital Computing
Hypertext and Hypermedia
- Nelson's definition
- The Memex
- Downloadable Memex animation by Paul Kahn and Ian Adelman (French site)
- Forms of hypermedia
- Kinds of Links -- a Basic Taxonomy
- Is Hypertext Fiction possible? (Or does the link privilege poetry?)
- Writing in and for Electronic Space; or the Rhetoric of Hypermedia Authoring
- Mark Amerika, Hypertexual Consciousness
- Michael Di Bianco, Is the Novel Dead Yet?
- Jerome McGann, The Rationale of Hypertext (U. of Virginia site)
- George P. Landow, Hypertext and Contemporary Critical Theory: Barthes, Bakhtin, Derrida, and Foucault
- World Wide Web Materials created by members of English 111, Hypertext and Literary Theory, 1995.
- Francesca Chiocci, Music in Hypertexts: Toward a Real Media Integration
Last modified 5 April 2005