Fall 2006
- Kenneth Coane, Video Games and Hypertext
- Jomo Fray, A look at the internet, war and hypertext
- Lyla Fujiwara, On Hypertext Fiction and Interactivity (A Preface to "Doll House")
- Sebastian Kearse, Late Night Mind
- Michael Kim, Humanity and Artificial Bodies
- Paul McCann's Schroedinger's Man
- Paul Meier, Rubber Masks
- Patrick Nagle, Science/Fiction: Connections Across Disciplines
- Marcello Sachs, Boca Raton Daze — TJ, Grandma's Cat, and Will We Get to the Mall?
- Lester Stone, History of the Cyborg
- Jonathan Wang, Techno-food: The Rise and Influence of Food Science and Technology
Spring 2005
- Daniel Byers and Adam Mazer, Cold Awakening: Jack Fenix and the Case of the Rogue Cyborg
- David Ellis, A Wondering Wanderer
- Gregory Halenda, Identity in the Networked World
- Karen Kayfetz, Cyborg Bodies, Cyborg Selves
- Peter Peng, The Cupertino 'Burbs: Stimulation, Simulation, and Shelter
- Zachary Reiss-Davis, Hypertextual Through the Looking Glass
- Alexander Rosenthal, Skulls and Shuriken: What the Future Holds in Store for Brown (in 2105)
- Owen Strain, How to Make Final Project (with an essay on "What Is a Cyborg?")
- K. Adam White's double project on Cyborgs and Expanding the Capacities of Web-Based Hypertext (requires Firefox)

Last modified 26 May 2005