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Resident Artists

The CCRI Resident Artist program offers an opportunity for international artists working in cyberarts to visit Singapore and enjoy the resources available in the Cyberarts Studio, Resource Library, and to work with our collaborators within the National University of Singapore and throughout the Singapore region. Artists often team up with students in the University Scholars Programme to create a mutually rewarding experience in which the students gain exposure and experience and the artist benefits from bright and enthusiastic young minds. Often the work that artists create during their residencies attracts the attention of curators and critics worldwide.

2002 - Mark Amerika, USA
Mark Amerika

Artist and theorist Mark Amerika created such multi-media hypertexts as Grammatron and PHON:E:ME, and was the subject of a retrospective at the ACA Media Arts Plaza in Tokyo, Japan. Author of "The Kafka Chronicles" and conceptual art e-book "How To Be an Internet Artist," and publisher of art and literary magazines "Alt-X" and "Black Ice," Mark Amerika was named one of Time Magazine's 100 Innovators.

2002 - Agnes Hegedus, Hungary, Germany
Agnes Hegedus

Video and multimedia artist Agnes Hegedus joins CCRI from her native Hungary and adopted home of Germany. Known for her interactive projects like The Fruit Machine, Handsight, and Configuring the CAVE, Hegedus's work has been seen at Ars Electronica, Siggraph, Artec, ISEA, and other international venues. For her residency with CCRI, Agnes Hegedus will create "The Seer," a project in which eye tracking is used as a navigational tool through layers of images. The areas that have been looked at will fade away the longer the viewer observes them. Underlying images/video sequences will then be revealed, enabling the viewer to penetrate deeper into three dimensional layers of space. Within a short period the viewer creates an image collage, where exactly the things he/she wanted to see are subtracted and replaced by other layers of information.

2001-2002 - Charles Lim, Singapore
Charles Lim

Charles Lim, also known by the moniker "Deadfish," and one of the artists in the group Tsunamii, is a veteran computer gamer and digital artist. His work addresses regional politics in often playful and cheeky ways. "The Artist-in-Residence programme is a showcase of the dynamic cross-disciplinary exchange between artists and students, scientists, engineers and ultimately, between art and technology."

2001-2002 - Margaret Tan, Singapore
Margaret Tan

Margaret Tan works with a wide range of media from objects, performance and installation to new media, situating her work within a feminist context. She is currently tutoring on "New Media Arts" for the School of Computing, NUS, and lecturing with the Department of Art Theory and Art History in LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts, offering courses such as History of Performance Art, Issues in Performance, History of Installation Art and Domesticating Space: Constructing the "Home." The work she produced during her residency at CCRI was featured at the Nokia Singapore Art 2001 exhibition at the Singapore Art Museum, and will be included in the International Showcase of Electronic Arts in Japan. Speaking of her experience with CCRI, Margaret Tan remarks that "students... were exposed to the historical and conceptual development of the work and in return, I was given technical help as well as tutoring in certain software skills. It was a wonderful mutual and lively exchange."