Ken Rinaldo "Two Decades of Biological
and Robotic Art
21 August 2002 |
Ken Rinaldo, Director of the Art & Technology Program
at Ohio State University, is a new media artist and theorist
who creates interactive installations that blur the boundaries
between the organic and inorganic. For over two decades Rinaldo
has been working at the intersection of art and biology, including
interactive robotics, biological art, artificial life, interspecies
communication, rapid prototyping and digital imaging.
Noah Landow "Architecture of Databases"
27 November 2001 |
Noah Landow is the director and coordinator of Macktez,
a technology consulting firm servicing the design/architecture/music
industries in NYC. With a background in architecture, print
and interactive design, network design and installation, and
database development, Landow and Macktez approach system administration
as a user-interface design problem: systems that don't work
for the user don't work.